Our Team

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Our Team:

Ana Belen Sanchez
(Founding Member)

Ana Belen Sanchez is a Spanish enthusiastic amateur bee keeper and historian with a doctoral degree that specializes in the study of medieval technologies. Although she was born and raised in a big city she regularly visited her grand father who was a rural physician. Despite the fact that these visits were short, they left a deep imprint in her. She vividly remembers the long walks in the countryside with her grandfather and his stories about the time when he had just arrived in this village. This was a phase in Spain were destitution was wide spread and he had to improvise using the native environment to heal his patients. When Ana got married, she moved with her husband to the outskirts of a small village, where she maintains her own orchard. Her love to join "Nature Now or Never" is embedded in her historical research of how different materials were used and reused over and over again. This triggered her desire to incorporate the philosophy of "trash to treasure" in the modern mind set rooted in the "use and through away" culture.

Earl Lamont Montgomery
(Founding Member)

Earl Lamont Montgomery is an American artist, hobbyist musician of sorts and developer / coder. Generally, he is a lover of life, nature inclusive. Since his childhood, Earl has always strived to be part of the solution regardless of its popularity. In his teenage years, Earl was popular amongst his peers. Nevertheless, he was a loner in the sense that he never joined any organization due its availability. Rather, he joined groups which were passionate about a righteous goal. The latest being "Nature Now or Never" due its objective of bringing awareness to those who do not know how to preserve our planet.




Eric Nelson
(Founding Member)

Eric Nelson is a Liberian systems engineer with over sixteen years in business development and data techs. In his leisure time, he is an ardent cook. Additionally, Eric is passionate about everything that has to do with nature. It is this devotion that inspired him to Join "Nature now or Never". Eric hopes that this devotion will make our planet a better place for all.

Martin Kaye
(Founding Member)

Kaye Martin is a Ugandan book lover, technophile and a movie devotee. Professionally, Martin is developer / coder and entrepreneur. His passion to join "Nature Now or Never" is derived from the widely changing shifts in temperatures and weather patterns he has experienced yearly in his home country Uganda. As a result of these changes in the climate, many have been left homeless during the rainy season, as well as countless hungry and malnourished in the course of the dry season. Over the years, Martin has learnt that these changes in climate are a result of human-made activity that is avoidable. The solution for such being enlightening the masses on how best to preserve our planet by writing/publishing articles about these solutions.